
Campus Smoking and Cannabis

17.1        – Campus Smoking and Cannabis Policy

 The purpose of this policy is to:

  •  Complement the Smoke-Free Ontario Act
  • Provide protection from environmental (second-hand) smoke
  • Communicate restrictions on smoking, vaping, and tobacco and cannabis use
  • Provide support to those with substance dependency or addictions or who require medical accommodations
  • Promote a smoke-free lifestyle and provide smoking cessation support
  • Facilitate the prevention of smoking uptake
  • Prevent potential fire risks
  •  Provide a clean environmentally friendly campus


This policy applies to all individuals including but not limited to College employees, students, visitors, contractors and student government representatives and employees, on all college owned, rented or leased property or vehicles.

All events, including conferences hosted on property owned, rented or leased by the College located on or off campus are subject to this policy.


The College recognizes and accepts that tobacco (sema) is a sacred medicine to indigenous people; and that tobacco and other sacred medicines (sage, sweetgrass, and cedar) are often used in traditional events and ceremonies. The use of tobacco for traditional indigenous cultural purposes may take the following forms: in pipe ceremonies by pipe carriers; in smudging ceremonies where tobacco may be used with other sacred indigenous medicines such as sage, sweetgrass or cedar.

The use of tobacco products for other cultural, ethnic or spiritual purposes will also be permitted. In the event that this policy conflicts with another policy or legislation, the policy, provision or law which is more restrictive of smoking will prevail.


“Cannabis” shall include all forms of cannabis products, including dried weed, pills, oils, edibles, and any other form which cannabis may be produced.

“Designated Smoking Area” is a clearly identified outdoor area on campus that smoking is permitted.

“Other weed or substance” shall include non-tobacco “herbal” shisha and other plant or products intended for inhalation.

“Smoke” or “smoking” shall include the use or carrying of any lighted or heated cigarette, cigar, joint, pipe, waterpipe, or any other equipment used to inhale, exhale, burn or heat any tobacco, cannabis or other weed or substance in any manner or in any form.

“Tobacco” shall include pipe tobacco, waterpipe tobacco (also known as shisha), cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos or any other similar product made with or containing tobacco.

“Vaping” is defined as inhaling and exhaling the vapour from an electronic cigarette (e- cigarette) or from a cannabis product.


1.            Indigenous or other cultural, ethnic or spiritual events are exempt from this policy provided that the proposed events are in compliance with current legislation. Notice must be posted to advise the College community when and where ceremonies will be present in an otherwise restricted area. Appropriate notice consists of notifying Security and Physical Resources 48 hours prior to an event and posting signage notifying community members in advance that smoke may be present in the area during a specific time period. Ray Lawson Hall Residence requires residents to complete a written request and submit it to the Manager of Residence and Student Life for approval prior to engaging in cultural or spiritual events involving smoke within a private room.

2.            Smokeless tobacco and cannabis products are prohibited in all College facilities and vehicles including offices, washrooms and entrance foyers. The ban includes Ray Lawson Hall common areas and those ǿմý facilities located on the main campus. The use of smokeless tobacco is permitted in private residence rooms in Ray Lawson Hall. The use, consumption, ingestion, smoking of cannabis (in any form) is not permitted in private residence rooms.

3.            Smoking is prohibited in all College facilities and vehicles including offices, washrooms and entrance foyers. The ban includes Ray Lawson Hall and those ǿմý facilities not located at the main campus. While the city bylaw does not prohibit smoking in private residences, the overriding College residence policy prohibits smoking in any area of the building for safety reasons.

4.            The College recognizes tobacco as an addictive substance and is committed to delivering programs and education aimed at providing protection from environmental (second-hand) tobacco smoke while supporting students with tobacco addictions with smoking cessation. The College will attempt to sponsor smoking cessation programs for employees within the limits of financial resources.

5.            The College recognizes that cannabis and other substances can lead to addiction. The College is committed to maintaining the health and safety of those on its campus through a prohibition on cannabis use outside of designated areas. The College is also committed to assisting those students and employees who suffer from cannabis addiction in compliance with the Human Rights Code of Ontario. If you require accommodation under the Human Rights Code, please inform the College of this need.

6.            Violators of this policy must produce employee or student identification upon request of a College Official. Visitors will be required to comply with this policy or leave the campus.

Names of individuals who have been repeatedly asked to comply with this policy will be forwarded to the appropriate college official. Students who repeatedly violate this policy will be subject to sanctions under the Student Code of Conduct. Employees who repeatedly violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with College policies and procedures.

7.            Fines established by the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 and related regulations are applicable.

8.            Smoking or vaping tobacco is prohibited except in Designated Smoking Areas at ǿմý. This includes all properties and vehicles owned, rented or leased by ǿմý. Smoking is permitted in four (4) outdoor designated smoking areas, which are clearly identified with consistent signage and disposal receptacles. All designated smoking areas are located at a safe distance from building entrances and public pathways. HS-17.01 indicates the identified smoking areas on a campus map.

Smoking areas on the main campus include:

  • An identified area near the Ray Lawson Hall driveway
  • An identified area north of the Natural Resources garage
  • An identified area on the east end of C Wing
  • An identified area on the west end of the K Wing

9.            Smoking or vaping of cannabis other than medical cannabis is prohibited on all college property. This includes all properties and vehicles owned, rented or leased by ǿմý.

For clarity, where smoking is prohibited, the smoking or vaping of Medical Cannabis is also prohibited.

The college deals with the use of Medical Cannabis on a case by case basis and accommodates according to the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Smoking of medical cannabis on College property is restricted to community members having legal authority to possess Medical Cannabis in smoking form.

a)            The college will consider requests to consume Medical Cannabis in a manner that is consistent with its duty to accommodate under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

b)            Community members having legal authority to self -identify their requirement for accommodation with the appropriate college department.

c)            Community members who smoke Medical Cannabis musts carry proof of their legal authority to possess cannabis for medical  purposes at all times, and upon request and to the satisfaction of an authority or college authority, immediately provide such documentation.

i)             Community members must exercise any permissions granted herein with discretion and mutual consideration of the right and privileges of other community members; and

ii)            the college has a right to investigate complaints, observations or other reporting involving the possession, use or smoking of cannabis on college property.

iii)           person found to be in contravention of this policy may be subject to sanctions under the code of conduct or employee disciplinary procedures.

d)            Employees and student shall disclose impairment in the working or learning environment related to their use of cannabis that may pose a risk to the health and safety of themselves or others.

10.          The College prohibits the promotion, advertising, or sale of any tobacco, vaping, or cannabis products or related paraphernalia on College owned or controlled property. In accordance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act 2017, corporate tobacco and cannabis sponsorship of College events or groups is prohibited. All organizations and their employees that operate their business on College owned or controlled property, are prohibited from entering into contractual agreements with tobacco or cannabis companies that promote tobacco or cannabis.


1.            For the first month of each semester, notices will be posted on the student portal, staff intranet, College newsletters, College infonet and other internal communication methods informing staff and students of Designated Smoking Areas. In addition, the College Security personnel will patrol the campus informing smokers of the Campus Smoking policy and asking them to relocate to the nearest Designated Smoking Area.

2.            College Security will regularly monitor entrances of the College during peak periods of the day and evening asking smokers to relocate to a Designated Smoking Area. Campus Watch personnel will regularly monitor entrances of the College during scheduled patrol shifts in the evening asking smokers to relocate to a Designated Smoking Area.

3.            The “Leave The Pack Behind” team, coordinated through the College Health Centre, will provide students with access to smoking cessation programs. The Student Health Insurance Plan provides coverage for smoking cessation products to a maximum of $500. The College will provide resource materials to students and employees to support their efforts in smoking cessation.

4.            Designated Smoking Areas will be identified on large campus maps located in strategic areas of the College and posted electronically on the intranet and student portal. In addition, all indoor entrances will have maps indicating the nearest Designated Smoking Area.

5.            Signage will be posted around the campus directing smokers to Designated Smoking Areas.

6.            Campus tours, Orientation Events and resource packages for new students will include information regarding Designated Smoking Areas.


HS-17.01              Campus Map Showing Designated Smoking Areas Use of Illicit Drugs & Mood Altering Substances

Aviation Technology Flight Alcohol & Drug Policy (Employees) Aviation Technology Flight Alcohol & Drug Policy (Students) Student Code of Conduct